Jan 3, 2007

baby jesus

shut your mouth bible woman

jesus freeks out in the street

christ on a cracker

today i was moving into my new apt. gealan helped. the bags were to heavy. i had a asthma rad a tid bid tat attack half way up the stairs. both of us only did one load. my car is still full. stuff is in the dryer at scott and amys, it was nice of them to let me stay for so long. i will miss sydney and jason, the free food, not the cold room, and having a family of sorts. the new place is nice, still need to find another. i love the moon, so does ben stillers sun.

now i will partake in "bong rips for jesus" on behalf of jay and ellen who made me freak out every day since i got here about not being able to get a place and then tell me after i have saved enough that they will pay some of my rent and the first months rent.

holler... the blueberry lie. and bens plastic xmas gift


  1. what i was trying to say was....not w.o family....you are fam to me and I am here, and my parents are here and you better have my home number and cell phone number so my parents can race to you if you are in need....though my mom seems to be a bitch on the day to day, she aways comes through when you realky need her, so you MUST have her cell phone

  2. messae with editing when im kajsidjflkasdjf

    what i was trying to say was....not w.o family....you are fam to me and I am here, and when you go to ny you know i you need me i would come home asap or send you a ticket to see me asap, and my parents are here and you better have my home number and cell phone number so you can reach my parnets in case of an emergenc...if you are in need....though my mom seems to be a bitch on the day to day, she aways comes through when you really need her, and you are one of my few friends/ even people, she an empathize with/ cares for, so you MUST have her cell phone

    AND REMEMBER:::::::!!!!! :::::::::::: both locks!.... ;).... thats a winkuing smily face who is also really seirous!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!
