I love this girl with all my heart and more. I would be insane with happiness if she were with me all the time, and just came to live with me until she found her anchor.
We'd eat doughnuts/croissants in bed, I'd bring her coffee with 50 sugars that she would thank me for and then not drink, we could have taco tuesdays under an elegant chandelier, we could have puppet shows, play dress up 24/7, I could be her sitter and she could paint me nude, we could read pornography to each other like old times, garden together, talk together, sleep together, light fires together, finally write our screenplay and make loads of money.
She is my favorite person. We could have balls where we'd wear gowns and dance to motzart, chopin, beethoven, we could wake up to each other in our underwear everyday (heaven), make cookies, watch movies, color, play agatha christie, have seances.
There are so many other things. I want her to live with me for as long as she wants. We could, like, take a class together - join a knitting circle, a pottery class, play tennis, swim and be in heaven together and possibly go to the same support groups which I think are right up her alley and she would benefit from so much, as I have.
Aly, I shall address you directly now seeing as you're the only person who reads this (I wouldn't have it any other way I'll have you know)-you can do all the other stuff AFTER you live with me. you stay with me for however long, save money, then once we've nursed you back to health I let you back into the wild (maybe ;) What's to think about? There are no cons to this plan-we'd give each other space if we needed to-the house is big enough, you could borrow my car, there is a market just down the street, c'mon!!! just do it. We'd be surrounded by wood paneled walls, fireplaces (that work!) for those chilly summer nights, we could finally live the way we were supposed to live all along-in a Dickens novel-two orphaned (but well-to-do) girls live in beautiful, stained glass house-doing whatever they want, when they want.
I love you and care about you so very much. You'd be in a safe environment with me as support and my brother-and my parents love you. I think it would be really good for the both of us. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. I'm puttin' a ring on it-aly, marry me? I'd give you all the baskets to put your eggs in.
i mean after reading that how could i not????
it was the bathroom that sold me. that tub... you know i have always been a sucker for a big bathrooms and showers with seats!
ps vanessa this is not a definite but it sure does sound like heaven