happy late birthday vanessa

also i posted pictures of boobs on facebook. my sister decided it was a good idea to show mom and dad. they were not happy. dad called and yelled at me so bad that i was crying like a little bitch. i was doing that whole heavy breathing/panting/once you start you cant stopthing. so i was so sad and then got sad about other shit... nothing really just one of those things onces your sad everything is miserable and you hate life. i unfriended jodi on thefacebook (sorry jojo we are friends again dont worry people) i decided i wanted to just get food and rent a movie and be in bed. so i got my fav food (SPICY TUNA SALAD-Chopped tuna, tobikko, tempura crumb & spicy mayo) from my fav rest fugakyu (shout out) and went to rent a movie... on the way i talked to audrina who told me under no circumstance am i allowed to get a romantic movie because they are so depressing. (also they make me crazy exaple:love actully) so i wondered blockbuster and ended up with happy feet. the night was amazing. fabulous food phenomenal movie. i give it a ten.

-----Original Message-----
From: kstrandpolyak@gmail.com
To: twinkies44@aol.com
Sent: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 9:28 PM
Subject: Bed
Hey Aly,
Hope everything is going well for you. Just to let you know, I'm moving
out of the Boston area after May sometime, and I'm going to be selling
my bed. I'm of course giving you the first chance to buy it, since it
woudl be the most convenient for both of us I'm sure. It's only a year
old, so I'm thinking around $350 for everything, including box spring
and frame. Let me know if you're interested or if we need to talk about
things further. Talk to you soon, and hope you're liking it over there!
On 4/30/07, twinkies44@aol.com
ok kelsey, i will talk to my parents and see what they say, thank you
for letting me know.
Hey Aly,
I need to know whether or not you want the bed because I'm selling it either way this week. Let me know so can come get it ASAP if you don't want to buy it from me, cause i have a few other offers. Thanks!
On 5/24/07, twinkies44@aol.com wrote:
well kelsey i jut think 350 for the bed is way overpriced even though
it is new cause you slept on it for a while, and i have too... so i
guess just sell it and i will figure things out
what were you thinking as far as price? it was a $500 bed and I let you use it for free....I don't want to make things difficult for either of us, I just want to make sure that I get a fair price for it. Let me know if you want to talk about it further.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelsey Strand-Polyak
To: twinkies44@aol.com
Sent: Sat, 26 May 2007 1:20 pm
Subject: Bed
Hey I got your text... if you don't want to deal with getting a
different bed I am open to hearing a price offer from you.... I really
am not trying to be unfair in charging you, I just am trying to sell it
for a fair price for me. Let me know if you want to make me an offer
and save us both the trouble of moving beds around. I'm going to be in
connecticut for the next few days so i won't be able to come get it
until later this week if you don't want it. Hope everything is going
well for you and i'll talk to you soon.
On 5/27/07, twinkies44@aol.com wrote:
ya my friend gave me a bed so just call me when you back and you can
come get the bed, i will be here
hey could you take a look at what brand my mattress is for me and let me know? thanks.
(i never responded i just texted her to come pick up the bed asap, and made her come at like 9:00 in the morning just to be annoying, but i didnt have work till 12 so for a few hours i was bedless and wondering around my apt, then i went to work an hour early... soooo i reallyreallyreally showed her... the text were good too but i deleted them...sad... i have sydneys matress and boxspring, it works. thanks syd)
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