"I've found my double, my twin, with my new girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood," Marilyn Manson tells France's Le Parisien newspaper. "She's l9 and certainly that's very young," he added, "but that's not a problem for me. She likes the same things as me. She understands I like to get up when night falls and go to sleep at dawn."
In 1995 Microsoft released the font Comic Sans originally designed for comic book style talk bubbles containing informational help text. Since that time the typeface has been used in countless contexts from restaurant signage to college exams to medical information. These widespread abuses of printed type threaten to erode the very foundations upon which centuries of typographic history are built.
While we recognize the font may be appropriate in a few specific instances, our position is that the only effective means of ending this epidemic of abuse is to completely ban Comic Sans.
We understand font selection is a matter of personal preference and that many people may disagree with us. However, if you agree with our position, you can sign the online petition to ban comic sans.
In addition, you can contribute your photographs to the ban comic sans Flickr pool.
And if you're on MySpace, please add us to your friend list.
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