Nov 27, 2006


its ten o'clock do you know where your children are
once i start i dont stop
adderall is more stronger than cocaine
lost lost lost
andrew broke my comment virginity
i would like to thank him
yet i still wait for luke perry
lost lost lost
the smell of cookies make me sick
the smell of brownies make me ill
spelling is over radar and rated
so is "doing it"
take a stance against violence and the norm
cause norm is a weird man

i am dyslexia not dyslexic... and sleepy

ya nom a na me me


p.s. i am sorry to both jessie and sydney of my bad friendness i suck and am overworked/ underpaid/ a bitch/ stoner

p.p.s. if you do drugs you can move things with your brain smoke weed smoke pot smoke love

Nov 23, 2006

gone red

i have gone red in honor of both myspace and bono

cause what they do i do

and also oprah's gone red

and what she does i do

and vanessa i hate who you hate

ps i love to abrive

sweet mummy arms
oh thanks you like them i made them out of vanessa former pant legs
whose vanessa
ya know vanessa that girl who does the sick nasty keg stands
duh obvi i know her
umm ya shes my best friend

buy for me thanks... and wish me luck on my current ebay bid for floral doc martens

i love my friends