Jun 27, 2008

slayed the draggon

#7 the landlord of the rings

still havnt found a place

kinda stressed and unsure about everything but happy

it helps having jessica here

and that i get to look forward to toronto next weekend with vanessa and matt

and the graceland

and its summer

but still stressed

i got hunter the cutest raincoat and boots the other day i cant stop thinking about just how cute they were

Jun 16, 2008

jesus cunt super star

the pros and cunts

cunterfit money


miss cuntgenitaly

hotdog with sourcunt

mass cuntiside

texas chain saw massicunt

cunttact lenses

super cunta fragileistic

around the cunt in 80 days

the cunter in the rye

merry cuntmas

hurricane cuntrina

are you afraid of the cunt

the cunt, the cunt, the cunt is on fire we dont need no water let the mother fucker burn, burn mother fucker, burn

ladys and cuntelmen


reba McCuntire

do you have something to cuntstuctive to cuntribute to this cunterversation

good will cunting

white men cunt jump

one hundred and cunt dalmations

birth cuntrol

the tonight show with cunt leno

dont slap the cunt that feeds you

dont count your cunts before they hatch

the three muskcunteers

americas cuntist home videos

cunt and paste

the birds and the cunts


cunty seven years old

you cunt me off guard

ketchup and cuntsard

cunt ragoon

general cunts chicken

cunt and sour soup

fettucini alcuntdo

cuntry hoedown

im a cuntservitive

cunt your pennies

whos your cuntdy

you are the weakest cunt

total eclipse of the cunt

the britney spearks cunsert

laptop cuntputer

you didnt cunt up with that yourself

age of cuntsent

law offices of barry feinstein and affilicunts

Jun 13, 2008

allen r0uleau cunture

dick at night

Jun 12, 2008


peancunt butter and jelly sandwich

cuntosaurus rex

victoria's secercunt

the cunt and the hat

remote cuntrol




cunts and ladder

cabbage cunt dolls

its raining cunts and dogs

leather jackunt

getting a haircunt





cunt gliding

rock cunting

wicker baskunt


dolce and cuntbana

cuntin klein

light sockunt

cunt and seek

cunt o'clock


cuntpact disks

cuntobie lake park

cuntry music




cuntnye west

cuntverse sneakers

tenacre cuntry day school
